About Me

I was born in Boise and grow up here as the youngest of 9. My incredible parents created 4 children of their own and adopted the other 5 of us. My family was a beautiful blend of color, culture and age. I grew to differentiate myself from my siblings through raw creativity and non-conforming expressions of ‘self’. I very much thank my parents for their encouragement.

My paintings tend to be single subject with no background. I like the attention to fall on one subject rather than filling the paper with un-thoughtful and unnecessary filler. I paint subject matter that excites me in my daily life. One of the many reasons that I love my husband is that he and I constantly use our “creature vision” to spot any sort of life in the yard, during travel and along roadsides and beaches. These creatures usually end up on my paper along with the critters we have yet to find. His shared enthusiasm for life is inspiring and adored.

I want my artwork to to be visually stimulating and emotionally dimensional. I want my audience to feel color and texture. I hope that you’ve found something within my body of work that does this for you- drop me a jingle and say hello!





